Friday, June 22, 2007

Who not What

So far this summer has been defined more by who I've been with rather than what I've been doing this summer. Coming out of this year of school I knew that what my heart, my mind, my soul needed was some rest and refreshment...and so far I have found that in these past few weeks. I was at Jason Stocker's concert last Tuesday night sitting at a table with my Mom, Tate, Michele, Kristen, Debbie, Gloria, Janelle, and others and I was overwhelmed by this room packed with people who I have known for so long and it just felt good to all be there together. I had this image of all these little strings connecting people and representing this community that we have somehow built. And then the sad thing is that we are getting more and more spread out. I guess this is more of a comment on how I few my circle of friends and how frustrated I am that plane tickets separate me from so many people that I love so much and who I want to do life with. I know that one thing that is scary to me about graduating from seminary is the thought of moving somewhere based on the position that is offered when really what I would want to do is move somewhere with my friends and do life together...idealistic I know but it would be cool.

Next week my Aunt Carol and cousins Landon and Laura are coming out so that we can all celebrate my Grandparents 60th anniversary. It's really just so great to have grandparents that are still around and involved in our lives and I think it's amazing that they have been married this long!

Then the week after that I'm packing in a great trip that involved lots of time with some people who make me a better person for sure. I'm heading out to Kansas with Tate and some junior high girls and while they are at camp I will fly to Florida to see Matt, Melissa, Bryce, and Lily Christensen and spend the 4th of July there. Then at the end of the week I will come back to Kansas City to stay with Drew, Lindsey, and Elijah Osborne for a few days. Linz and Melissa I can't wait to see a bit of your worlds!

I love the people in my life...


Drew and Lindsey Osborne said...

Yay that you are coming. And I love that you call me Linz. See you soon!

Amanda Tate said...

oh my gosh. we are going to kansas so soon!!! that's awesome. thanks again for being willing to make the trip with me and those crazy girls. see you tonight!!