Friday, February 20, 2009

A Fall of Firsts

Like I said, "hold on" because we are going back a few months. So back we go to October when I was honored to help officiate the wedding of my friends Will and Carin. The wedding was at Carin's parents home and was one of the most beautiful fall weddings I have ever seen. It was a great experience to be able to pray over them and help them as they took their vows. The best was being able to pronounce them married. 

Another first for me last fall was my trip to the top of the arch in St. Louis. This first was made possible by my dear fake sister Tate who is from St. Louis and who I met there for Thanksgiving. It was great getting to spend Thanksgiving with the Tate's, the Poshak's, and the Van Rossum's. You'll have to just believe me that they were all there though because I only have pictures to document our trip to the arch:) 

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