As you might know I'm living in Chicago right now going to seminary. I started last fall and my first semester was not really what I expected (although I'm not sure I knew what to expect!). But I did enter last semester thinking that I was not cut out for life as a seminarian. I was overwhelmed with class work, friends, working...with life basically. But I survived, and I actually got a good report card! So with that under my belt, I took a break from Chicago and headed to Colorado for a good 6 weeks of Christmas break. And what a break it was! It was the first time in a while that I have spent a lot of time around some good 4C's folk and it was so refreshing. It was also so good to be at home and with the fam for awhile. It also snowed SO SO SO much while I was home, and that was pretty awesome! This is our house with all the snow...
It was also Sophie's Birthday while I was home, the big 15! I know that everyone says this but I really can't believe that she is this old. And I'm so proud of who she is. She is such a great girl and I couldn't be more proud of my baby sister (even thought she isn't a baby anymore!)
New Years was spend up at Ev and Joe's condo with an awesome group of people that made it so fun! I'm thankful for friends that I can be myself around, I realize that not everyone has that in their life. So here's to 2007!
While I was home, Mark asked me to help him out one Sunday in High Impact. I laughed at first and thought he was joking but when I realized that he wasn't I said sure. It was so great to be in that room again, and to be worshipping with all of those amazing students and to realize that God is still moving in mighty ways through the ministry of high impact. It was so good to get some perspective on where my life is now by remembering where I have come from.
Another great part of my break was helping with Powderburn. Ev asked Jeff G and I if we could help produce all of the main stage elements of Powderburn this year. It was so life giving to help with this event that was such a big part of my formation in high school. All in all it was a great weekend. It's so good to be reminded that no matter how hard we plan programs and events, God will still work. Check out one of Jeff G's awesome stage designs...
I have to mention that I got to celebrate my birthday during my time in good old Colorado. It was a good birthday and I got to celebrate with my fam and with some fun friends. I felt loved and that's always good. We also got to go to Sing Sing one night to celebrate Amanda and my b-days. I do love that place but this time around it did seem like the jokes were dirtier than I remembered, but it was still fun. The Birthday Girls and the group at Sing Sing...
So here I am back in Chicago and feeling a little torn between Colorado and Chicago. I miss Colorado, it will always feel good to be there, but I also love my life in Chicago. But I'm learning that it's ok to live in tension like that. God just wants me to take advantage of the life that is in front of me everyday. So I know that this week I will be in Chicago and I will go to class and I will pick up Camille and Madlen ( the girls that I babysit) from school and I will try to be aware of the presence of God in my everyday life...
yes. i think that we're experiencing similar things, angie. i miss our "dirty" peeps of 4cs, i think that colorado was life-giving, and i can't believe how old sophie is!! thanks for putting your thougts into words for us...looking forward to your next post!
yep. come back to colorado. i mean i'm not there right now, i'm in kansas, but whatever. it was bomb.
wow, I'm in 2 pics already? what a start to your blog world. :) you forgot to mention how crazy that sunday morning was, or how crazy powderburn was without a speaker, or how crazy your birthday was when Alan was up on stage singing. a little more detail, please! :)
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