It has been a pretty low-key weekend for me, very restful and a little boring at times. I did a lot of this...
because the weather outside looked like this...
there was one point yesterday when there was a flood warning for some parts of Illinois, a blizzard warning in some other parts of the state, and a winter storm warning in Chicago...those are 3 very different warnings...I'm ready for spring!
But I'm not complaining at all because it feels good to rest...
I also spent a good deal of time reading the book of Genesis. This semester I am taking Old Testament and so far I am loving it. Through "homework" I am gaining such a new appreciation for the Old Testament. I had a teacher once at CBC who would always say "God has been, and always will be, at work creating a holy people for himself " (Thank you Todd Slechta!). And that is exactly the phrase the kept ringing through my head as I was reading Genesis this weekend. God created us and then the rest of history has been him redeeming us as his people, sometimes through drastic measures (ie floods and becoming flesh). I really think that if Genesis were made into a movie it would be rated R! So once again I'm amazed at this God who would try so hard to redeem the actions of humans and this God is the one who "...always will be..."redeeming his people...
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