Friday I also squeezed in an interview for a campus Pastor internship that I had applied for last may. I never heard from them and assumed that it was already filled and I kind of forgot about it. But the week before I left I got an email asking me to interview and I got my hopes up that this might really happen. Long story short, they offered the job to me on Saturday and I started last night. The job entails working with the Campus Pastor to help lead the chapel planning team and to have a pastoral presence in the undergrad student body. It's really everything I want to do and you get paid for it! North Park just hired Judy Howard Peterson as the new campus pastor after having her here last year as the interim campus pastor. Judy is such a gifted woman and I still can't believe that she is my boss this year. It's funny how last week I had no idea that this was on the horizon for me, what a great surprise. We had our convocation for this school year yesterday and again I was surprised by how great is was to see some people and to be back in this place. Classes started today and it just felt really good to be here and to have some new experiences and responsibilities in the mix for the fall. One of the things I was praying for this year was to have more opportunities to be with undergrads and to have more of a place to belong and to be held accountable. Being on the UMIN staff and having a team to work with this year is a direct answer! ( Check out what university ministries is all about here)
I feel so blessed to have such a great community in Colorado and to have had the chance to jump in there and be apart of things this summer and then to come back to North Park and have another way to jump in and develop some relationships. Judy told us (myself and Nathan, the other intern) that UMIN's focus for this year is "Believe Big and Travel Together". And so on this first day of classes I'm dreaming big about what this year will hold for me and for this campus full of students that I get to work with. I'm also so thankful for you... the wonderful people that I get to "travel" with. I'm praying that you to are believing big...
Congrats on the new job!! Sounds exciting! Judy is amazing and that's going to be a great job!!
Hope to see you sometime soon, I could use a little Angie in my life here...
hope this new school year is full of adventures and learning opportunities. we of course would love to have you up anytime.
congrats, pastor Angie..
I love how this worked out. I love that our prayers over this exact job from over five months ago has been answered. I am super proud of you and excited to see you in action when I come on out to visit...
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