On friday I took my last final for the semester and it felt great. I am now %50 percent done with my degree which also feels really great. I celebrated on friday by going to the Cubs vs. White Sox game with good friend Jen Zerby. Sitting there watching the game I realized that I had no homework and yes that felt really great as well. As you can tell, this weekend has felt great as I have relaxed and let myself unwind a bit after this semester. Now I just have to wait and see if I passed everything...haha (nervous laughter). Along thos lines, the funniest part of this week was memorizing acrostics to remember which judges and kings are which books of the Bible. For instance the one for 2 Samuel was "MJBAAZ" which I remembered by thinking that Mary J Blige was in the book of 2 Samuel (get it...MJB, Mary J Blige)...lets just say it was time for the semester to be over.

Tonight I went out with Luke and Chrissy Palmerlee, Jeff G, and Kyle and Alicia Quackenbush to celebrate Jeff G's graduation from Seminary and Alicia Quackenbush's graduation from Nursing school. It was fun to hang out with them and to give Jeff his box of cards from everyone. And did I mention that I don't have any homework?...:)
So I am babysitting mon, tue, wed of this week and then heading back to Colorado on Friday. Tate (my favorite fake sister!) is flying out here on thursday to help me drive back home (after a few stops to visit come peeps along the way). The plan for the summer is to be at home in Colorado and babysit for 2 different families and not do homework...
1 comment:
holla! i'm coming soon! oh man. it's gonna be good.
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