Friday night we stopped in St Louis and stayed with Tate's parents and I got the tour of all the hot Kirkwood spots including Ted Drews (yummy custard!) and every school that Amanda went to growing up. Saturday we continued the trip and made our way to Lawrence KS where we stopped and visited a bunch of Amanda's friends from college. I had this sudden jealousy while walking around the campus of KU with her of the fact that they went to this huge University with an awesome campus and good sports teams. So here's a picture of me pretending to graduate (they all walk through this tower thing on their way down to the stadium...I think you get it).

After catching the second service at her old church on Lawrence we started out for the last leg of our journey to Denver. This last day was the longest and the most boring by far (no offense Tate, well a little offense...). So to pass the time we made our way through the atlas figuring out how many states each of us has been in and how many states we have slept in (there is a big difference!) Here's the final count...Amanda has been in 27 states, and has slept in 24 states...Angie has been in 41 states and has slept in 31 states.
We also made a list of things that we want to accomplish this summer. Here's the list so far...
* Go to Pike's Peak
* Go to Rocky Mountian National Park
* Go to a "Film on the Rocks" (that's a movie at red rocks)
* Go to Wyoming (that would raise Tate's state count)
* Hike to St. Mary's Glacier and sled down it
* Eat at Tuk Tuk
* Go to El Salvador (Tate will be the only one to accomplish this one)
* Go camping
* Go sledding at the alpine slide at heritage square
So that's the list, maybe we are being ambitious but it could be fun. Any suggestions of things we should add to the list?
I have the rest of this week as "vacation" and then I start babysitting on Monday and then who knows what after that. I'm just happy that it is summer!