The past three days here have been amazing! It's official now that winter is over and the city is rejoicing. Today's high was 82...holla! I am also rejoicing because I have exactly 4 weeks left of school (that does mean that there is a lot of work due in those 4 weeks but oh well). So the weather and the fact that I can see the end to this semster makes me feel so good. And having a really great weekend doesn't hurt's some highlights for your reading and viewing enjoyment.

Friday marked a big first for me, I went to my first Cubs Game! We got some tickets for a rooftop party so we weren't really in Wrigley but it was a great view and perfect weather . The only thing that would have made it better would have been if the Cubs had actually won (dang Cardinals!). We also got a front row seat to a fight between some construction workers who were working on the bleachers on the roof next to us, pretty exciting...yeah we don't get out much!
On Saturday I also had another first when I got up early to go to the library and work on a paper only to walk in a have the lady at the desk tell me that they weren't open yet. Who does that...goes to the library before it opens...I'm officially a nerd!
And Emma got to see Wrigley for the first time.
Today topped it all off with an afternoon at the beach with Marissa, Laura, Anne and this attractive gentleman who decided to layout near us. This is why Chicago beaches are a little creepy at times.
That's hot.
i am so jealous you have been to the beach. but at least the cardinals won...sucker!! jk lol ttyl.
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