Sunday, March 16, 2008

Women's Retreat

As an intern with UMIN we all work together on somethings but then are other things that we work on by ourselves. My main responsibility this semester was heading up a Women's Retreat. It's funny to me that this is where I was pouring in most of my time because I typically would not be the type of person who would sign up for a women's retreat. As stressful as it was at times to make sure that everything was getting done to make this weekend work I'm glad that I had the chance to be apart of this retreat. I was struck by how many amazing women I have met in the past year and a half of being back around NPU. So many of these girls I can call my friends and I look forward to our coffee dates and conversations throughout the week. I have the tendency to get caught up in the details of pulling off a weekend like this and I forget the people that will be involved. So sitting there on the floor Friday night it was moving for me to look around the room and realized how much I love those girls. I think that there has been apart of me that still hasn't gotten over my time as dean at CBC and my ministry there. What I mean is that I wasn't really sure how I would ever really love students as deeply as I had at CBC. But this weekend helped realize that I have moved past that and thst my time here in Chicago has been made so rich by the students that I have gotten to know here.

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