In my effort to update my blog I have not really known how to write a blog about our trip to Zambia. It's just hard to put those 14 days into words. This was a trip that definitely got under my skin and probably one of the best trips that I have been on. While I am tempted to just type up my whole journal I will spare you that and just give you a few highlights (some pictures will follow in another blog):
* I was good to me to be so far away from the western world that I am used to and to feel like a minority everywhere I went
* It was humbling to meet Pastor Charles and his wife Margaret, two amazing people of God who have sacrificed much in their lives to advance the kingdom of God and to make an impact on the children of Twapia
* It was an amazing experience to ring in the new year by participating in an all night worship service. I can honestly say that I have never praised God on New Years for allowing me to see another year pass. Our friends in Zambia were overjoyed that God allowed them to see 2009 and the sang and danced together in celebration.
* I'm used to going on missions trips and hanging out with the children and people who are the worst of. But the children who live at Hope house orphanage and those who attend Hope community school are doing so well because of the ways that hope ministries is offering them resources. They are healthy, clothed, getting a meal, and very loved. This is wonderful to see and left me with an incredible sense of hope.
* I also got to experience a bit of London during one of our layovers, something that I've always wanted to do.
* I realized how far money really can go and how much extra money we in America have...simple but so true
* I loved my team and I appreciated their willingness to go deep together on this trip, we had many rich times together and I was challenged by their thoughts and ideas. Love them!
Ok I could go on but the truth is that I'm still processing it all. But it was an amazing cross cultural experience and I was honored to catch a glimpse of how God is working in Zambia and raising up faithful people who serve him there.
Here is the letter that I wrote to my supporters after we got back:
Hello Friends-
We have been back from Zambia for 2 weeks now and I’m still trying to wrap my brain around all that happened on our trip. As those who sponsored me, I wanted to fill you in on some of things that we did and experienced while we were in Zambia. Our time there was split between hanging out with the orphans that live at Hope House, running a clinic for the students at Hope Community School, and working on the new orphanage building. Throughout the entire 2 weeks we had the opportunity to become friends with many of the Zambians who run Hope Ministries and who devote so much of their lives to helping these orphans. It was inspiring to see how many things they have been able to do to help the orphans and the students at the school. The team of people that they have working at the orphanage, and school are passionate people who want nothing more than to encourage and equip the orphans there. It was an honor to meet them and offer them some help for the weeks that we were there.
Here’s an idea of what we were able to help them with while we were there:
Hope House has 14 orphans and 2 house moms that live in the current orphanage. But they are only a few months away from completing the new orphanage! Having this new house will allow them to have 30 orphans. While we were there we were able to buy all the wire that they needed to wire the house and we were able to help them install the wiring. They are all excited about the new orphanage and the home that it will offer for these orphans.
Hope Community School started a new semester while we were there and we were able to join them for their opening day. One of the things that they have been able to start at the school is a meal program for all the students. We learned that for most of these students this is the only meal that they will get in a day. On our first day there we helped serve the meal and then got a chance to meet all the students. The rest of our time at the school was spent offering a clinic for all the students. By the end of the week we were able to see 300 students.
I am excited about what is happening in Zambia because of Hope Ministries and supporters like you. Thank you so much for supporting me and this trip. If you would like to learn more about what is happening in Zambia because of Hope Ministries you can go to the Spark Ventures website. You can also learn more about sponsoring one of the students at the school if you would like another way to be involved.
I really can’t believe that this trip is over, it seemed to go so fast and there were so many rich experiences packed into our 2 weeks there. But I am thankful for the chance to go and will continue to think and process this trip for quite sometime.
Thanks Again!