I catch myself thinking "I can't believe it's October" a lot these days. I know it's somewhat cliche but I really can't believe that we are here. Seriously, October?!?! This semester has been incredibly busy and that tends to lead to time flying by. I wouldn't recommend this pace of living though but it is what it is for me right now. I'm finding that I don't like saying that I'm stressed though because that seems to imply that I'm not happy. Well maybe my definitions are off but I'm definitely happy but just trying to not spill anything off of my very fully plate. God has given me many open doors to experience ministry and to stretch myself and for that I'm thankful. It has also felt really good to be here for a 3rd year. A few weeks ago when I walked into someones house to watch the "Office" premiere and was greeted by a group of 20 or so students that I know and that I love doing life with here. And I realized that none of them were students that I had known from CBC, and I thought "Hmm, when did that happen?" That is just one example of how gracious God has been to me this year as I feel like I have found my rhythm here and that I have built a life for myself...there were days that I thought that would never happen. So now in the midst of a crazy schedule I'm just trying to soak it all up before I graduate and have to move again (that's a whole different blog for a different day!)
Here are a few highlights of my life the past few weeks...

In the past week I have managed to fit in a few really great shows like Sigur Ros, Ray LaMontagne, and Aaron Espe. All of these shows just reminded me how great it is to experience bands and musicians who are all about the music. Don't get me wrong, I love shows with great production too but I have really enjoyed sitting through these musical experiences and taking it all in without the hype and showmanship that sometimes comes with some acts. This is a pic from Sigur Ros...globes, nice...
One of my favorite parts of fall is homecoming and the NP homecoming BlocParty! Our chapel planning team has helped out for the past 2 years by making sno-cones, popcorn, and cotton candy. There are tons of people who come from the neighborhood and there are always lots of great friends that come back for the weekend.
And my days with these two are never boring. It's fun to see how they are growing up and becoming funnier every week! Hanging out with Kyle and Ellie is always a nice break from homework.