One low of the week was a sudden shift in summer plans that was thrown at me. I had a girl who had wanted to rent my room for the summer if I was going to go back to Colorado. Well I finally decided that it would be best for everyone if I did go home for the summer. I could save some money by not paying rent and I could get some time with fam and friends in Colorado. It felt good to decide. Then earlier this week that girl backed out so now my heart is still headed to Colorado for the summer while it looks like I will be paying rent in Chicago, what part of that makes sense! There is still time and hopefully someone will turn up that needs a room but for now I'm bummed that I have another detail to work out...
Ok now some Highs...
Aaron Espe was here! He had a show on Tuesday night and then Jeff and I hosted a house concert for him on Wednesday night. It was really fun to have him around for a few days, good conversations and just a change in routine. Aaron reminds me of my brother Ben so that was nice, they both make themselves laugh and they ask good questions...maybe Aaron is our brother and we just don't know it. Also the house concert at Jeff's was a great excuse to have a lot of friends come hang out. Lots of people that I love were there and it was good to listen to Aaron and just hang out. So one of my favorite songs of his is called "Tuesday Morning" but it's not on any CD yet, but here's a clip of him singing part of it...
A high for this week would be that I'm pretty sure it is done snowing here and the sun actually came out this week...who knew it was still there! And in case you were wondering, I wore flip flops on Thursday :)
Another High would be that all my picks for the march madness games tonight won...I'm such a good guesser. Now to bed and I can't even wait to sleep in...